Sunday, July 23, 2017


One of the key things I’ve discovered, when reading any of Susan Rohrer’s books is this: there is never a dull moment.  Rohrer uses her background as a TV/Movie producer, screenwriter, director, and author to expertly weave a flowing narrative, regardless of the genre of book project she explores at the time. I have read all of Rohrer’s previous nonfiction titles (The Holy Spirit – Spiritual Gifts: Book 1, Is God Saying He’s the One?, Secrets of the Dry Bones) and her entire Redeeming fiction series. The latter were novels with wholesome, beautiful, romantic themes that I’ve addressed from my point of view of a minister, in the reviews that have previously appeared here on my blog. Rohrer’s novels are adapted from her many screenplays. They are fast moving, dynamic, with the high-quality dialogue you would find in one of her screenplays or movies.

It is that literary quality that the reader will find in her second book in the Illuminated Bible Study Guides series, The Holy Spirit – Spiritual Gifts: Book 2: SurprisinglySupernatural Service Gifts. What Susan Rohrer has done in this comprehensive study of the Gifts of the Spirit, examined in detail, fleshed out with the appropriate in-context Scripture and with the healthiest dose of personal story and testimony, is just remarkable. She has rendered some extremely difficult to explain and comprehend Biblical principles in easy to grasp terms.

If you’re a regular “Rohrer Reader” (i.e. a fan of her books like I am), the
conversational literary style is recognizable from her novels. If you look at Jesus’ simple stories in the Gospels, He speaks plainly all the time. This is especially true in the Sermon on the Mount. When a Christian speaks plainly and truthfully in context with the Bible, he or she operates in the gifts and blessings embedded in us by our Heavenly Father. Herein lies the key to unlocking the riches found in Susan Rohrer’s new book.

Whether one has directed national award-winning films or CBS television specials like Susan Rohrer or is like the rest of us with our little daily VBS comedy skits annually, there is one significant common denominator needed – attention to detail. Attention to detail shows commitment, confidence in the knowledge of the subject matter, and a healthy respect for the work with which one is tasked. The effective communication of vision and message requires not just a grasp of detail, but also how it applies or does not apply in certain situations. This is what the author does in her book here. She goes into some really solid insight by paying attention to the details and application of each of our God-given spiritual gifts. This is not an easy thing to do, especially in today’s five-second sound bite world, even in Christianity, where people do not even go to church with their Bibles anymore.

What has resulted from Susan Rohrer’s long labor of love to mine the depths of the meaning and application of these graces is this wonderful manual on Divine Giftings. Her book is more than worth the investment of both time and resources. Not just that, I may even venture to say that it should be kept as a reference book so we may readily refer to it, in order to assist others in discovering how to discern which gifts they are endowed with for kingdom work.

The full range of service gifts are lovingly, firmly, and accurately defined with application in The Holy Spirit – Spiritual Gifts: Book2. There are chapters on the gifts of encouragement, giving, mercy, and ministry. Among others, the chapter called “Heroic Helps” will inspire, as well as this very sensitive topic: Celestial Celibacy.  For those of us who are or were in church or ministry leadership, the final two chapters are particularly important. 

What really spoke to me, knowing that the author – Ms. Rohrer – spoke directly from the Word of God, were all her points on godly leadership and administration talents as a function of the high level of stewardship we are expected to deliver as ministry or church leaders. If a deacon, youth pastor, small group leader, or even a senior pastor can honestly assess one’s life in light of the last two chapters, then any portion of the previous chapters on the gifts can be easily explained to one who is searching.

Christians of all ages operate way below their talents and potential imparted to them at the point of salvation. There is absolutely no reason why we cannot live life in the fullness of joy and true service.  If you want this kind of life—knowing that the God of Heaven saved you and me through Christ, to be His Hands and Feet during our lives here on earth—The Holy Spirit -Spiritual Gifts: Book 2 is for you.

Finally, I’ll suggest an even more personal reason to read Susan Rohrer's new offering. What the reader will discover really endearing and, most of all, authentic about this book is the author’s application of her own story. Susan Rohrer is more than transparent about her own victories and even times when things did not go well at all. She uses her amazing life experiences to give itemized warning lights for readers to seriously consider as we journey through her book, sharing her life, in context, with the foundational Truths of Scripture. This book is five star reading.

For more about author Susan Rohrer and her books, click on the following links:

Holy Spirit - Spiritual Gifts: Book 2:

Holy Spirit - Spiritual Gifts: Two Book Set (includes Book 1 and Book 2):

Susan Rohrer’s Amazon Author Page
(for all of her fiction and nonfiction books):

Follow Susan Rohrer on Facebook at:

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